Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Days 11, 12 & 13 - Mini Vacation away from home

Day 11:  Today was an exciting day seeing my results! And I hope it keeps me motivated to stay on track, as I am traveling with the kids to visit my parents for the weekend.  The farm is usually a place of not caring....the beer and wine flows and the food is out of this world....so here is to staying on track!

I started the morning by getting on the scale and taking my Day 11 measurements!  234.5, down 10.5 lbs and down a total of 15.25 inches over all (4 just in my stomach)

I enjoyed my warm Ionix Supreme and 2 cups of water.  Took my daughter to daycare for the morning and then got my blogging done.  I then enjoyed a nice blueberry shake.

I am traveling just after lunch, so I need to pack all the items I need for the weekend.  I packed my Isablender and a canister of chocolate Isolean shake.  I also filled a baggy with  a few IsaDelight chocolates, want more energy and some of my herbal tea bags.  I also packed my Ionix Supreme, Natural Accelerator and IsaFlush....and a flat of water :)

I didn't have a morning snack...as I rarely feel hungry for a snack anymore.  I got ready for the trip and at noon I had a shake.   In the car I drank plenty of water and had my natural accelerator.  My kids were thankful for the small breaks from the car, as I usually only stop if they need a "potty break".

For dinner we went out to a small local restaurant, The Ranch House.  This place is known for it's ribs and I splurged!!!  I enjoyed a Bacardi Limon with soda water, Sirloin and Ribs with wild rice and a side salad.  I didn't eat even half of the rice....but I really enjoyed the meat!  I love a good steak after a cleanse day :)   I also enjoyed one very small glass of wine with my Mom at home and though I felt more full than usual, I wasn't uncomfortably stuffed.

I had my IsaFlush and herbal tea before bed and didn't' feel too bad about my splurge.

Day 12:  On day 12 I awoke to my Mom making homemade chocolate cake from scratch (for my son's birthday) and then she made homemade blueberry pancakes....though the temptation was there,  I had my Ionix supreme and water. 

I had my morning shake when everyone else was eating breakfast....my first chocolate shake ever and I just used a shaker to make it.  I wasn't impressed.  I didn't like the flavor or consistency and was worried I was about to be poorly disappointed in the next week of shakes.  I did sample a few pieces of my Dad's deer sausage at breakfast to help me feel satisfied.

Again I drank lots of water (in fact I didn't drink even 1 beer at my parent's house...my son commented that this was odd ....oh kids, so perceptive sometimes)  I took my natural accelerator on time and then decided to try and enjoy a lunch meal rather than supper.   I dug into my Mom's amazing spaghetti with just a small piece of garlic toast.  In the afternoon I enjoyed a small piece of the decadent chocolate cake my Mom had made, with homemade buttercream frosting....oh gosh was it good!!!

I continued to drink water all day, took my afternoon natural accelerator and walked about the farm a bit.

At supper time I struggled.  Since I hadn't really enjoyed the chocolate shake for breakfast I let myself compromise.  I drank 1/2 a chocolate shake and ate a very small amount of left over spaghetti - keeping within my normal shake calorie amounts.

Again, my Isaflush and herbal tea for bed.  I definitely felt full from the day.

Day 13:  I awoke and made the kids breakfast as my Mom prepared for church.  Once the kids were fed I had my Ionix Supreme and water and then made a blended chocolate and 1/2 banana shake.....SO MUCH BETTER!!!  The blending and fruit made a huge difference.

I had my natural accelerator and went about the morning.  For lunch I enjoyed some of my Dad's amazing grilled burgers on garlic toasted buns, lettuce and a few deviled eggs.  I continued to drink my water and take my 2nd natural accelerator and one more small piece of cake before we left.

We were traveling in the afternoon again so it was easy to stick to my water and not snack :)  Plus I was already worried about over indulging so I was okay to not snack until I could got home for supper.  I just realized I drank tons of water and never actually ate supper, but I didn't feel hungry either....so I guess it is what it is.  

I went to roller derby practice and rolled hard!!!  Came home for my herbal tea and Isaflush.  Day 14 would tell me how my actions were over the weekend.

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