Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 6 - Potluck Problems :) and Day 7 - the Recuperation

Day 6 started like all others.  Got up and hit the bathroom and the scale.  This was the first day that I maintained.....237 lbs.  no problem :) I had enjoyed a small amount of alcohol the day before.

 I enjoyed my Ionix hot and then 2 cups of water.

We had a busy day of SPRING CLEANING to do before a large roller derby potluck, so I was on the go all day long!  I enjoyed my breakfast shake with blueberries for something new.

Now on this day, I did not have a morning snack, as I knew I would be eating "who knows what" at the potluck and I wanted to enjoy it a bit.  I drank plenty of water and took my natural accelerators at my usual times and also took a walk with my family and got some herbal tea.

For lunch I enjoyed an IsaLean bar on the go and later had my first e+ shot to keep my energy up for the evening.  The IsaLean bar was good and the e+ shot isn't bad, but is definitely a "shot"...drink it fast!

In the late afternoon, I had to make a Walmart run for some last minute party items.....I decided to try on a pair of size 18 jeans....and son of a gun....they FIT!! I was ecstatic, I mean a Walmart 18 is not a Lane Bryant 18 :)  Success!

The potluck was good, lots of sweets.  My weight-loss partner, Risty and I split one cupcake.  I tried a little of everything but was really conscious about not over doing it and I also only drank WATER. (Items I had small amounts of: White chicken chili, lil smokies, sugar snap peas, chips and salsa, cheese ball)  I felt very full and bloated at the end of the evening and couldn't figure out why.  I took my IsaFlush but didn't have my normal evening herbal tea. 

I woke up on Monday, Day 7 with a severe stomach ache and actually ended up throwing up. I got on the scale prior to throwing up and was 238 .. up one pound.  Total of 7 lbs lost.  I decided the the culprit must be dairy, as I had lots of dips and items with cheese and I hadn't had any dairy for almost a week.  I decided to do a "daily cleanse" I started the day with 1 portion of Cleanse for Life.  I drank a ton of water and had a second cleanse around 10am.   I then went for a walk with a girlfriend.  We then shared a small pizza and I drank a beer.  I was so hungry that I couldn't help myself.  We then went on another walk after our small lunch.

I didn't eat any snacks this day, as I was walking during morning snack time and was full at 2nd snack time.

I tried a new recipe for supper.  Mini Veggie/Turkey Meatloafs with Cauliflower Mash.  I really enjoyed it!

I had my IsaFlush and enjoyed some herbal tea before bed.

For starting Day 7 feeling awful, it really ended with me feeling good and re-energized :)

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