Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 2 - adding fruits

Banana shake

I started Day 2 with my normal routine; go to the bathroom and get on the my husband tells me all the time that I am only supposed to get on the scale once a week, but I like to see where I am at and what I could do better from the day  before.   So this morning I started at 242.5, down 2.5 lbs from yesterdays start.  That was enough to keep me motivated!

I had my Ionix Supreme as a hot tea again and my natural accelerator.

My morning was a little odd, as my husband stayed home from work with back spasms.  After getting our daughter off to daycare, I laid longer in bed with him and I think that kept my mind off hunger.

I got up around 9 am and made my first shake.  Today I decided to try using the IsaBlender and make real shakes with a little fruit to see if that would help curb my hunger a bit.  So for breakfast I blended my shake with 2 large strawberries ( this only added 30 calories).  It was delicious and nice to know you can have a little variety.  The blender was super easy to use and clean....this is going to be used a TON!

I went for a morning walk (about 45 minutes) with my husband to the local coffee shop where I ordered caffeine free herbal tea and used that as my morning snack.  I made sure to drink a few glasses of purified water when we returned.

For lunch I blended one small banana (100 extra calories) with my shake.  The banana makes the shake much frothier, but still enjoyable. I am not concerned about the extra calories, as tonight is a skate night and I will burn a ton.

At 2pm I had my IsaDelight chocolate and 2 cups of purified water.

Supper is my ZEN time, I get to really enjoy the act of eating.  Tonight I am making Turkey burgers with home made guacamole and cucumber slices.  To stay in my 400-600 calorie meal.

Tonight I also have roller derby practice, so I may drink some "want more energy" to help replenish a bit.

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